Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Dream Job

I believe every single person is born with a very specific talent or skill. I don't mean "she was born to be a singer" but rather, "she was born to move people through storytelling." Whether she becomes a singer, painter, writer, is actually somewhat irrelevant.  I also believe that these skills are very rarely realized, so most people spend their whole lives wedged into an incompatible system, trying desperately to make ends meet. In terms of money, people work to make money. But if we had a behavioral shift where people "contributed" their time for a cause, rather than "worked" for a boss, the long term effect would truly be rewarding. It seems as though anybody can make money doing anything these days. There are no limitations. I mean, really, when a fellow peer says to me, "I would LOVE to work in marketing for a large corporation," I almost want to reply, "Really? I mean, really?" If that's your dream, then go for it. But for some reason, the day-to-day work of non-stop phone calls, floods of emails, inter-office politics, outsourced HR, glass ceilings, computer meltdowns, backstabbing, difficult clients, unrealistic expectations, decreasing budgets, and the comical notion of a work-life balance is certainly not something that I dream about.

My personal dream job would be to bring happiness to a specific audience, who in turn could bring happiness to their own audience. This “dream job’ for me, is the creation of a product. An object. A piece of art. A piece of me? Something which I have made that will be loved and treasured by another - it spreads my happiness and reflects my love of my dream job. Also, my dream job should evolve with me - if my loves and interests take a new route, so does this dream job of mine - we adapt to one another. It's a creature of sorts, this dream job. I think this whole idea of people having to work 50 or 60 hours a week is bullshit --  I've done it. And we, as employees and consumers, have to figure out a way to reclaim the system for ourselves. It is already starting to happen with the boom of small startups and college graduates putting together their own business teams. Finally, and most importantly, I want to believe in what i have created. I want to do well, and do good. I want my work to have value and purpose, for it to be long lasting. It is the most important thing. I am still trying to figure out if a position exists for me out there that will encompass all of these qualities, and if it doesn't exist, well, I may just have to create it.

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